Monday, June 15, 2009

bleary eyed blogging

i awoke this morning and tried to figure out a schedule for today! i got about as far as, well i should update the blogs (mine and the one for the school). Thats about as far as i got! ah, you gotta love a monday.

I would attempt to blame the fatigue on the last group except i had no students during this last outreach! That has not happened to me since i moved here. Every outreach we have had, i have had students in my site. We once had an outreach of 7 people and i had 2 in my site. Needless to say it was a bit different not having some of the same responsibilities. I still had to do my tuesday morning Bible study with the group, and I was at the base in the mornings to pick up my intern (summer staff who is with me for 4 weeks) but otherwise, it was odd! It helped me realize that i truly do enjoy working with our student teams. Often i am more tired at the end of the day from translating, coordinating, and teaching all day, but there is something really cool about not only ministering to Dominicans but to Americans as well. We have said it before, but our staff are truly missionaries to both countries...amazing!

So no new photos this week, but i may get around to posting a video later this afternoon...HAPPY MONDAY!

1 comment:

  1. I'm bleary-eyed too. I hope you get everything accomplished that you want to! Love you.
